CWA Activism: Proposition 14


CWA Activism: Proposition 14


The items in this collection document the CWA's efforts to prevent Proposition 14 from becoming law. In 1976, the UFW sponsored Proposition 14, the Farm Labor Initiative, to prevent legislative interference with the funding of an initiative that passed earlier in 1972, Proposition 22's Agricultural Labor Relations Board. The CWA opposed the proposition because they claimed that it would violate property rights and invade worker’s privacy, violate existing state trespassing law, it would make it harder for union members to dispose of an established union, and it would give the state a "blank check."

To learn more about Proposition 14, visit the first exhibit, "We are a Voice for the Busy Farmer": Origins of the California Women for Agriculture.

To view all of the items in this collection, in addition to the the items featured below, click on VIEW THE ITEMS IN CWA ACTIVISM: PROPOSITION 14 link below.

Collection Items

For Immediate Release--property damage by the UFW
Release About UFW violence and damage of farmer's property.

"Farmer's Daughters"
"Casey Hausman, left, Lauri Russell, and Debbie Hannon show support for farmers in rally against Proposition 14 held at Devonshire Dawns in San Fernando Valley"

No On Proposition 14 bumper sticker
Proposition 14 bumper sticker

No On Proposition 14 and Governor Reagan
Bumper sticker to support opposition to Proposition 14 and a photograph of CWA president, Cherry Ishimatsu, California legislators, and Governor Ronald Reagan. Governor Reagan is holding the "No on 14" bumper sticker.

"Still concerned about you livelihood...? Get involved
An article encouraging participation in the Stanislaus and Westside Chapters of the CWA in the aftermath of Proposition 14.

"Me Thinks Governor Brown Stinks"
"Three hundred men, women, and children of all ages representing the Farm Bureau, California Women for Agriculture and other farm-related organizations were in Sacramento last Thursday to petition Governor Brown 'to stop lying to the people of…

"Plan Initiative Fight 1976"
"Harry Kubo, Fresno area farmer and chairman of an ad hoc committee of California agricultural groups, goes over plans for fighting farm labor initiative sponsored by Cesar Chaves and United Farm Workers of America, with members of California Women…

Explanation of the Argument Against Proposition 14
The CWA provides reasons for voters to oppose Proposition 14.

"Farm Labor Issue Giving Resounding Defeat At the Polls"
"Controversial Proposition 14 was defeated by a resounding margin of 4,733,577 opposed to 2,880,215 in favor."
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