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  • Tags: ufw

"California Women for Agriculture staged a demonstration in Sacramento to protest Proposition 14 which a UFW AFL-CIO backed initiative on the ballot Tuesday. They marched around the north lawn on the capitol grounds chanting 'No on 14' as they went.…

"We strongly urge your support for AB8, AB111, and SB1, which will bring about a meaningful system of fair collective bargaining in agriculture..."

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An explanation of the CWA's position on Proposition 14.

Sister Thomas Bertels was the guest speaker at a CWA event.

"Speaks for Agriculture--Sister Thomas More Bertels, OSF, was keynote speaker at a seminar dinner for California Women for Agriculture at Palm Springs Spa last night. She goes over issues of local interest with Patricia 'Corky' Larson, left, CWA…

"From a former supporter of the United Farm Workers (UFW) comes this first-hand report of conditions in the West's grape and lettuce fields--a fight that could spread to wherever farmers hire help."

A plea from Assemblyman Robert W. Naylor to CWA President Lynn Skinner to fininacially support his campaign against Speaker Willie Brown on the basis of common interest in agriculture and opposition to Cesar Chavez.


"Cesar, it's obvious that this time you've gone too far"
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